
New Year, New Opportunities

New Year, New Opportunities

Well, somehow it is 2023. A new year full of possibility. Do you set resolutions for the year? I heard a statistic that said most resolutions are kept until January 17th. If that is true, then the remaining 11+ months are just like the many others before the resolution was ever made. I believe in goal setting but I don’t necessarily think resolutions are the same thing. Sure, some of them can be, but resolutions typically feel vague, something more like, vowing to be kinder.

That being said, I decided to have a theme this year. Apparently, this is a thing, but I wasn’t aware of that when making this decision. I know myself well enough to realize that creating a bunch of “rules” for me to follow will only lead to frustration, making concessions, promising to do better tomorrow, and likely scrapping the whole thing altogether. So, I chose a word; health. Just one word that I believe will lead to positive changes, wonderful experiences, a better existence.

So, what does this have to do with data, business, marketing, you? Well, this is the beginning of a series I have titled, New Year, New Opportunities. Each month, we will explore a new theme and give you real tools and solutions for incorporating data services into your business to help you reach your goals.

Next month, will be all about growth. This may be professional growth, growing your customer base, growing options for marketing, growing your reach, and of course, growing your revenue.
Digital Segment has over 6 billion records of consumer data. Whether using a single data point or combining many in a way that is beneficial to you, we can help you create those new opportunities.

We’d love to hear from you regarding any themes you may be setting for your business and your life. We hope you’ll return often to learn more about Digital Segment, our offerings and our ability to enhance your life through data. If you would like to hear more about our offerings in the meantime, please reach out. We would love to be your data provider.

About the Author

“We’re a cooperative & innovative team. We love using data and technology to create meaningful marketing programs for our clients.”

-Brad Schorer, President

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