What do you know about your customers or desired customers? If you market a product or service, it stands to reason that your current customers want or need what you have to offer. That’s a good start but there is so much more information you could use to help you personalize your marketing. The more consumer preferences you have, the better your chances of reaching them with relevant messaging, by their preferred channel.
Take a moment to think about the marketing that appeals the most to you as a consumer. Are you more likely to open an email or text? Do you prefer mailers? How about social media ads? You likely have a preferred channel by which you receive marketing “material”. If you receive offers via USPS but consider these to be mass mailings and therefore irrelevant to you, you are likely to disregard this as junk mail and toss it in the recycling bin. The marketer just wasted their time and money by trying to market to a you in a less than personalized way. The same is true for your customers.
Digital Segment has over 6 billion records of consumer data to help you identify your audience and determine how best to reach them. Whether you are entering into a new market segment or working on building customer loyalty, we are able to give you the information you need to offer relevant messaging that will help turn shoppers into buyers and buyers into devotees.
Let us show you how Digital Segment can bolster your effort so you can maximize your customer relationships.
How would you like to engage with us? We are available by phone, email and webform. We would love to show you our vast array of product offerings and believe that once you give us a look, we’ll be the only data provider you will ever want or need.
Maximize Customer Relationships
About the Author
Darci Bullard
Content Creator and wannabe Novelist, Darci Bullard spends her days immersed in the fascinating world of data. She is endlessly curious about human behavior. Therefore, after receiving a BA in Psychology from Michigan State University, she chose to enter the world of data. She loves the opportunity data provides, to discover what drives people to make the choices they do. Dissecting, discussing and writing, about data, (and its creepiness) makes for a great day at the office. Connecting the dots with her tongue in cheek style, Darci strives to make data approachable and maybe even a little fun. She has been writing for Digital Segment for over 5 years.
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